We connected with a mom and business owner who lives in Palisades CA and is organizing bags with skincare, cosmetics, toiletries, medicine cabinet items ets. for local moms and teens who are left with nothing after they lost their homes this week. She said most of the moms she knew grabbed stuff for their young kids and evacuated but most of them didn't even think to grab anything for themselves. We are sending 50 tinted lip balms and then matching any donations made item for item. The box of products will be shipped directly Tuesday January 14th to the Palisades mom who is putting bags together and getting them into the hands of displaced people. Her goal is 200 bags.
To keep it simple we are donating 3 types of items - Tinted Lip Balms, Beauty Butter, and Jasmine Serums. Just add whatever item you'd like to gift and checkout. If your total is less than $50 there will be a shipping charge so please enter the code:Palisades and it will remove the shipping charges as we are covering shipping out to CA.